So it seems that uploaded the events from the ics file causes a problem that prevents Calendar connecting to the Exchange Server. If I delete the calendar, I can then add events manually which will be uploaded to the exchange server with no problems.

There was an error attempting to send your changes to the exchange server. If I try to add an invitee, for example, an error message is displayed: Calendar can’t save the event “COURSE NAME 2016-17 LECTURE - abc (A.N.Other)” to the Exchange server. Launch Outlook and import the CSV file into a new personal Calendar folder (or into your existing calendar if you want to merge the data). Export from Sunbird into 'Outlook CSV' format (I tried Sunbird export to. The above steps can help users to complete. ics file into Mozillas Sunbird (I used the latest 0.7 release). Click on Import option to transfer ICS File into O365 account. Browse to the destination location where ICS file is stored and open the file. Select Import an iCalendar (.ics) or vCalendar file (.vcs) > Next button. However, having done that, Calendar then refuses to connect to the Exchange Server to sync the calendars. Click on File > Open & Export > Import/Export to import ICS to Office 365.
Import ics into outlook for mac mac#
When the ics file is opened using Calendar on a Mac running El Capitan the events are imported into the selected Exchange calendar. b'BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\nVERSION:2.0\r\nPRODID:-//Python iCalendar timetable//\r\nBEGIN:VEVENT\r\nSUMMARY:COURSE NAME 2016-17 LECTURE - abc NAME 2016-17 LECTURE - def (John NAME 2016-17 LECTURE - ghi (Jane. This example contains three events which, in real life, would be timetable events for a class. ics file using Python and the calendar library.